We offer Educational Preschool programing September - May. Classroom time is in the AM Monday - Friday. Your children will learn preschool fundamentals and gymnastics basics, which provides the opportunity for a fully rounded base that sets their foundation for life. Starz Unlimited is a part of Kids Unlimited Activity Center located in Soccer Zone behind the Jenison Meijer.
At Starz Unlimited Christian Preschool, we believe children learn best when surrounded by love and engagment in opportunities that allow them to imagine, question and express who they are and how they see their experiences. We believe this combination of love and learning is cultivated by creative, talented and informed professionals who are mindful of the world we live in and capable of utilizing the most exciting and proven educational practices.
We recognize that love for God and one another with solid education forms essential building blocks of community, the cornerstone of which resides in open communication: articulating and listening. In essence, a Starz Unlimited education is one that strives to love each child as God does; cherished, special, and unique, while engaging them in a creative learning experience, which creates a school environment where every child thrives.
We love music
We incorporate music each day. We use a wide variety of finger plays, poems and songs. During music and motion, the children are active through fun motions and games. They will also perform with music at our graduation celebration.
4 - 5 years old
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Monday - Thursday
3 - 5 years old
Monday & Wednesday
Tuesday & Thursday
We will cultivate an atmosphere in which all children are accepted and loved for who they are in a safe, Christian environment. We provide a learning environment for every child to be fully ready for the next level of learning.
WE LOVE Values
Our program is designed to teach children Christian values with positive, developmentally appropriate learning experiences. We promote an atmosphere of confidence and respect as children experiment, make mistakes, and discover their abilities, thus, helping them develop feelings of accomplishment, security, and belonging.